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Hidden Gems

Scallop Gallop (per g) // 白滑帶子(每克)

Scallop Gallop (per g) // 白滑帶子(每克)

Regular price HK$4.50
Regular price Sale price HK$4.50
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(Minimum purchase: 20g ; this product will be packaged and delivered in a paper bag)

Our freeze dried Scallop Gallop treats may very well be the ultimate delicacy for your pets! These plump and delicious mollusks provide many health benefits but if your pet has never had them before, it's better to feed them in small pieces at first to see if your pet's stomach can handle them!

(Minimum purchase: 20g ; this product will be packaged and delivered in a paper bag)

Our freeze dried Scallop Gallop treats may very well be the ultimate delicacy for your pets! These plump and delicious mollusks provide many health benefits but if your pet has never had them before, it's better to feed them in small pieces at first to see if your pet's stomach can handle them!


Ingredients: Scallops

Raw ingredients source: Japan

100% natural, human-grade ingredients. Guaranteed no additives, preservatives, colouring, or flavouring added.

Made in-house in Hong Kong. 


Scallops are an excellent source of protein, magnesium, and potassium. Protein provides energy to your pet while supporting muscle growth and health. Magnesium aids in the absorption of other vitamins and minerals and potassium is a vital electrolyte that benefits the nervous system and general health.

Ingredients: Scallops

Raw ingredients source: Japan

100% natural, human-grade ingredients. Guaranteed no additives, preservatives, colouring, or flavouring added.

Made in-house in Hong Kong. 

Scallops are an excellent source of protein, magnesium, and potassium. Protein provides energy to your pet while supporting muscle growth and health. Magnesium aids in the absorption of other vitamins and minerals and potassium is a vital electrolyte that benefits the nervous system and general health.

Please transfer this treat to an airtight container for storage.

Our treats can be kept in room temperature for at least 7 days or in the fridge for at least 2 months.

* Storage tip! * Place reusable, food-grade desiccants in the container to prolong shelf life!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Jaime Lee
Toros favourite 🐈


Kristin Lai

Scallop Gallop (per g) // 白滑帶子(每克)

HY Lam


Mango Chung

Scallop Gallop (per g) // 白滑帶子(每克)

Iris Lee


Thank you for letting us know of this issue! We already place food grade desiccants in our bulk food containers and seal them in air tight bags every night to reduce the chances of them being rehydrated but the high humidity during spring might require more desiccants than usual. We will monitor the quality of our treats closely to ensure they stay dry and fresh!